Define your target to sell better
When proposing a product or service, it is important to define its target. Who is your offer for? The answer to this question will be crucial for the development of your sales strategy, the choice of your prices, as well as the communication you will put in place. Find out why and how to set your target to sell better.
The importance of defining your target
Defining your target is as important as your offer itself. It’s one of the first things to do in your business. That will define the rest of your strategy. You can’t make a suitable offer until you know who you’re going to sell it to.
IIt is not always easy to know who to contact when you start, especially when you have not had your first clients. In these cases, you have to focus on your ideal target, the prospects you want to reach. When you already have a clientele, you know who your products or services appeal to. This makes it easier to tailor your strategy to this target.
What changes based on your target
Your sales texts
Who are you talking to? An individual or a professional? Just this distinction will totally change the way you address your target. Indeed, you will not put forward the same elements of reinsurance. The sales pitch and consumer benefit used will not be the same either.
Is your prospect familiar with your field of activity? If this is not the case, it will be necessary to provide him with more information, not to use too precise vocabulary. They need to easily understand what they can expect from your product or service and why they should trust you. With a professional in your sector, you can use more technical vocabulary. Using technical language related to your business can also be used to give them confidence. For your sales texts, do not hesitate to contact a professional editor.
For effective sales texts that give you visibility on search engines, work on optimizing them. To improve your SEO, use specific keywords that will make it easier for your target to find you. For this, it is important to know its target and the queries it uses on search engines.
Your designs
On your site or your communication media, it is important to take care of your designs. A style inconsistent with your target will result in fewer conversions. To do this, you have to pay attention to the colors used, the typography, the texts and the styles of the images. Each design will attract a specific target, so you have to choose them well. It is all the more important to be careful because you will use them everywhere: for your product packaging, the advertisements you will create, but also for your website. A simple change of colour can change your prospects’ perception of your brand and have a positive or negative influence on your sales.
Need help with your designs? Submit your project on the Bumbizz platform.
Your Prices
Les prix que vous allez proposer vont dépendre de la cible à qui vous voulez vendre vos produits ou services. La façon de les présenter a aussi son importance ! Si vous vous adressez à des professionnels, les prix affichés sont souvent HT. Alors que pour les particuliers, on parle généralement en TTC.
The way to prospect
Knowing who you’re aiming for is knowing who to look for and how. What social networks are your targets on? If she uses LinkedIn, don’t waste time communicating on Instagram or Facebook. You wouldn’t bring the right leads. Remember that when you bring the right people you will convert them better. If you promote too widely, your conversion rate will necessarily be lower. Touching more people will not necessarily make you sell more, because the offers offered will not be adapted to the prospects you bring back.
How to define your target: the use of your personas
In marketing, persona are fictional people who represent the different typical customers you can touch. This allows you to adapt your offers, your marketing strategy and your communications.
As I said before, start by defining his age, his CSP, his gender. These first elements are essential. To further define a persona, determine other elements such as their needs, their motivations for purchasing, geographical data (especially if you are prospecting in a catchment area), their interests or personality traits. This is all information that will help you define a clear and tailored speech for your target that will convert better.
Since you don’t necessarily only have a target customer, nothing prevents you from defining several and making different offers according to each typical profile. This allows you to expand your offers. They can evolve over time. Your offer today corresponds to a type of customer. This will not necessarily be true in 2 or 3 years. Their needs can change, as can your offers or your positioning. It’s important to review your personas and update them regularly to get the right message to the right people.
Knowing your target means having a global sales plan, from the creation of your service to prospecting. It is important to optimize it to increase your sales and your average shopping cart. If you see that eventually you are not hitting the right target, you can change your strategy, adapt. You may find a new target that is more relevant to your services or products, one that you wouldn’t have thought of and that would be more cost-effective.